What We Believe In: Mike

On December 23, 2013 my nephew Eric Speicer Jr. gained his wings as the result of brain cancer at the young age of 13. As a result Little Eric's foundation was formed to help children and parents not only emotionally, and physically, but also financially deal with this terrible disease and the impacts it has on families. Little Eric's foundation has several fundraisers such as a casino nights, wiffle ball tournaments, gold bow sales, and so much more throughout the year. With the help of these fundraisers we are able to successfully contribute to Cancer research and studies in hopes to one day find a cure.

If you are interested in helping with fundraisers or donations please visit Little Eric's Foundation website: https://littleericsfoundation.org/

What we Believe in: Justin

The goal of Cozy Coats for Kids is to improve the well-being of children in need by providing them with the opportunity to choose their own brand-new winter coat. This charity is very important to me as there are so many children that cannot obtain this basic necessity. As a father of two children I feel it is so important that no child be cold during the winter or ever. The vision of this charity is for every child in need to receive a free brand-new winter coat in their favorite color and style. They partner with schools, social services, and other nonprofit agencies along with home inspection agencies in order to ensure that all children are given a new, warm, and stylish coat. This organization believes, as do I that by giving a child a brand-new winter coat and having them know that it was specially delivered and chosen for them not only instills confidence, but also improves their overall wellbeing to help them gain the confidence to achieve their goals and reach their full potential.

What We Believe In: Rachel

One thing that all of us at Mountain to Valley Home Inspections believe in is the importance in giving back to those around us. This can be anything from donations of money or in the giving of our time to help those in need within our communities. For me, I volunteered as a tutor at the McGlynn Center for over two years. This is an after-school program in Wilkes-Barre, PA that helps at risk children by giving them the tools they need to succeed. Every child would also get a snack after attending the tutoring sessions and I was able to donate goodie bags for them for the holidays. Through working with the other wonderful volunteers at the center, I learned that one small act of kindness can have on a huge impact on child's life. It was also there, that I learned about the Catherine Mcauley Center and their strong need for help especially around the holidays, to be able to provide women and children with gifts for Christmas. My family and I were able to adopt a family and donate presents to them. They also greatly welcome donations of hygiene products anytime throughout the year and are in Plymouth, PA (Call 570- 342-1342 if interested on helping out). Being able to work with the people here at Mountain to Valley Home Inspections that share my views on the importance of helping those in need around us is something that I cherish, as it is hard to find especially in these uncertain times.

If you would like to help out contact the McGlynn Center at (570)824-8891 to learn about what is needed in order to get started as a volunteer!